
Showing posts from December, 2018


                                             HOCKEY ODISHA 2K18 WORLD CUP                                                                                                         (Chief Minister Of Odisha Sri Naveen Pattnaik with Hockey World Cup Trophy)                                       The 2018 Men's Hockey World Cup was the 14th.edition of Hockey World Cup, organized by FIH (Federation Internationale De Hockey) , was held from 28th. November to 16th. December 2018, at the Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. The Inauguration Ceremony was held on 27th. November 2018.   (Odisha Hockey World Cup Anthem- Performed By Music Maestro A.R. Rahman and Bollywood  Star Shah Rukh Khan) (Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar with Odisha CM Sri Naveen Pattnaik and Former Indian Hockey Team  Captain Dilip Tirkey in the Final Match between Belgium Vs. Netherlands) BIDDING In March 2013, One month after FIH published the event


                                                      SOCIAL  ISOLATION                                                                    "Social Isolation is a state of  complete lack of contact between an Individual and Society. It differs from Loneliness   which reflects a temporary lack of contact with other humans."                                                               Causes Of Social Isolation                                                                          1. Avoids Social Interaction due to shame or depression. 2. Spend extended periods of time in alone. 3. Have only limited or superficial social contact. 4. Lack of Social or Professional Relationship. 5. Develop Severe distress or loneliness. 6. Lack of purpose or meaning in life. 7. Fear of rejection by Society. 8. Linguistic or Cultural Barriers. 9. Geographical Problems. 10.Retirement from work. 11.Inability to participate in activities due


                                                          PERSONALITY                                                 ''Personality is defined as the inner Psychological characterstics that both determine and reflect how a  person responds to his/her environment." Personality Theories 1. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory    It consists of 3 components. ID   It is the primitive part of the mind that seeks immediate gratification of Biological or Instinctual needs.Biological needs are Physical needs where as Instinctual needs are natural or unlearned needs. EX  : If your ID passed through a boy playing with a ball, the immediate urge to get that ball will drive you to snatch it,this is irrational and may lead to the conflict between the boys. SUPER EGO   It is related to the social or moral values that an individual inculcates as he matures.It acts as an ethical constraint on behavior and helps an individual to develop his conscience.As the indivi


                                                                                                               POWER OF SILENCE                                     "Silence" stands for- S-STRATEGY I- INTELLIGENCE L-LEARNING E-EVOLVE N-NEGOTIATE C-COLLABORATE E-ESTEEM Some Best Quotes About "POWER OF SILENCE" 1. "SILENCE IS THE ULTIMATE WEAPON OF POWER" 2. "THE SILENT MIND REFLECTS WITH EASE THE DIVINE THAT DWELLS WITH IN         IT" 3. " IF YOU LISTEN CAREFULLY, SILENCE IS BEAUTIFUL"                                                           Quality Of Silent People 1. Silent People develop quality of listening to others. 2. When your mind is at peace, the best solutions come to you. And Silence helps in that. 3. Being Silent helps you to know yourself much better. 4. It improves the clarity of thoughts. Advantages Of Silence 1. Silence Gives Rest