SOCIAL  ISOLATION


"Social Isolation is a state of  complete lack of contact between an Individual and Society. It differs from Loneliness  which reflects a temporary lack of contact with other humans."


Causes Of Social Isolation



1. Avoids Social Interaction due to shame or depression.
2. Spend extended periods of time in alone.
3. Have only limited or superficial social contact.
4. Lack of Social or Professional Relationship.
5. Develop Severe distress or loneliness.
6. Lack of purpose or meaning in life.
7. Fear of rejection by Society.
8. Linguistic or Cultural Barriers.
9. Geographical Problems.
10.Retirement from work.
11.Inability to participate in activities due to access issues,mobility,illness and transport.

Impact On Mental Health

1. Physical Symptoms : Aches and Pains, Headaches and Illness.
2. Mental Health Conditions : Increase in Risk of Depression,Anxiety,Paranoia or Panic Attacks.
3. Low Energy : Tiredness or Lack Of Motivation.
4. Sleep Problems : Difficulty getting to Sleep,Sleeping too much.
5. Diet Problems : Suddenly weight gain or loss.
6. Negative Feelings : Feelings of worthlessness,hopelessness or thoughts about suicide.
7. Increase in consumption of Alcohol,Smoking and Drugs.


1. Connect or Reconnect with friends and family. If your family don't live nearby, Technology can          help you stay in touch.
2. Regular Outings for social functions,exercises, visiting friends, doing shopping, going to Public          Places can help.
3. Join a Club, Learn New Skills,Try looking Online at your Local College,Library or Try a new or        old hobby.
4. Group Activities can be a good place for mental and social stimulation. It can also put in touch            with others who have similar interests.


Social Isolation can be a major concern as we age. It can be caused by factors out of our control, such as our mobility or transportation limitations. Make a point of staying involved in communities and society and continue to expand your reach by attending a new activity.

                                                           ------THANK YOU------ 

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