

''Personality is defined as the inner Psychological characterstics that both determine and reflect how a
 person responds to his/her environment."

Personality Theories

1.Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

   It consists of 3 components.
  • ID  It is the primitive part of the mind that seeks immediate gratification of Biological or Instinctual needs.Biological needs are Physical needs where as Instinctual needs are natural or unlearned needs.EX : If your ID passed through a boy playing with a ball, the immediate urge to get that ball will drive you to snatch it,this is irrational and may lead to the conflict between the boys.
  • SUPER EGO  It is related to the social or moral values that an individual inculcates as he matures.It acts as an ethical constraint on behavior and helps an individual to develop his conscience.As the individual grows in the society, he learns the cultural values and norms of the society which helps him to differentiate between right ad wrong.
  • EGO  It is logical and conscious part of the mind which is associated with the reality principle.This means it balances the demand of ID and Super Ego in the context of real life situations.EX : If you pass through the same boy playing with the ball, your ego will mediate the conflict between the ID and Super Ego and will decide to buy a new ball for yourself.This may hurt your id, but the ego would take this decision to reach to a compromise situation between ID and Super Ego.



     a.              High                           NEUROTICISM                           Low
                                                 (Basic features are Tension,
                                               and Helplessness)
     b.              High                           EXTRAVERSION                        Low
                                                 ( Basic features are Affection,
                                              Sociability,Boldness,Action Seeking)
     c.              High                OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE            Low
                                              (Basic features are Hopes,Thoughts,
                                              Achievements,Ideas and Morals)
     d.              High                         AGREEABLENESS                       Low
                                              (Basic features are Faith,Frankness,
                                               and Flexibility of mind)
     e.              High                      CONSCIENTIOUSNESS                  Low
                                               (Basic features are Self Control,
                                               and Success Striving)

B.  R.B. Cattell theory
      This model has 16 Personality factors.

      Reserved VS. Outgoing
      Less Intelligent VS. More Intelligent
      Affected Feelings VS. Emotionally More Stable
      Submissive VS. Dominant
      Serious VS. Happy Go Lucky
      Expedient VS. Conscientious
      Timid VS. Venturesome
      Tough Minded VS. Sensitive
      Trusting VS. Suspicious
      Practical VS. Imaginative
      Forthright VS. Shrewd
      Self Assured VS. Apprehensive
      Conservative VS. Experimenting
      Group Dependent VS. Self Dependent
      Uncontrolled VS. Controlled
      Relaxed VS. Tense

                                                         -----THANK YOU-----

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