Message: It's the time to stop Political Dynasties and break the chain of Political Dynasty.Because It's like as British Raj and now we have to stop it.
A Political Dynasty is a family in which several members are involved in politics and businesses, particularly electoral politics. Members may be related by blood or marriage; often several generations or multiple siblings may be involved.
When India attained independence 72 years ago, it broke free from two kinds of dynastic rule. It severed ties with the British crown, and it integrated more than 500 princely states into the Indian union. But over the decades, another form of dynastic rule emerged in the country: that of elected political dynasties. The best known of these dynasties is the Nehru-Gandhi family, which dominated the prime ministership and the leadership of the Congress party after Independence.
Is Dynastic Politics good or bad for the country?
Most of the countries have political dynasties, but still we have very limited evidence on how they effect our economy. Hereditary succession in politics in a reality. It is present not just in a democracy like India, but also autocracies like North Korea.
When we talk about dynastic politics, these people are in the game for a long term. They are stationary. The groundwork that they do is reaped by their descendants. Acquiring of state power helps the dynast protect his/her interest. Dynastic politicians are seen to under perform, because their place is secure in the system.
Dynasties capturing the politics rules out the chances of better performing individuals to enter and do good for the state. It limits the choice of the voters. With no other options, even though the people want to topple over the dynasties, they are not able to do so. Weak institutions enable dynastic politics. Political dynasties are also known to play with the religious sentiments of the people. A dalit dynasty will favour only the dalits and try to include them in his/her vote bank. This divisional politics is imperative for the sustenance of a dynasty. How will people pledge their allegiance if they don’t relate to the candidate.
There is another form of dynastic politics called the concurrent dynasty. It has several members of the same family in politics at the same time. A very good example of this is the Yadav clan of Uttar Pradesh. Mulayam Singh Yadav has his son as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, and at the same time his daughter, brother, and nephew are also fighting elections from different districts of the state. Democratic dynasties are expanding laterally, which is evident in the number of leaders who are being elected as their relatives, siblings, or children.
Dynastic politics is harming the country by stagnating the power into the hands of a few. Without rotation of power and the fear of losing it, there is little or no accountability of the leaders. As discussed earlier, the political dynasties exist in India in various forms and of various degrees. It not only makes the agenda shift from the “welfare of the state” to “welfare of the clan”, but also dilutes the essence of a democracy with corruption and favouritism. It leaves the voters with less choice and hinders the development by first filling the treasure chest for the family and then distributing the remains to the citizens. The moral measures used to ensure cohesiveness in the different units of a party sometimes leads to grave consequences like religious disruption. The more we prefer the dynasts, the more we are giving in to the power of dirty divisional politics and we, as educated citizens should be aware of this fact. We should try to break free from this trap and lead our country to a better future with more abled leaders.
Causes Of Political Dynasty
1.Absence of an Anti-Dynasty Law.
2.Vote Buying.
3.Government Programs that can be used by Local Governments to obtain money.
How To Stop Polititical Dynasty
Polititical Dynasty is not only in India,It's common in all over world.It's not difficult,it's so easy to remove Political Dynasty.
When there will be more accountability of public figures, when public would be less forgiving of corrupt politicians and when their will be choice of honest politicians. When we will stop defending corruption of our favorite leaders. The way our system is, that public is forced to choose best from the worst politicians. It does not matter who they pick, final result in their hand would be corrupt lot. There is not only one corrupt dynastic party, there are many dynasties big and small the only commonality between them is they all are very corrupt.
Untill there is uniform quality education, Indian poor will always be exploited by few rich powerful and influencial families.True democracy cannot flourish untill, most of the population is educated to some degree and begin to understand politics.Even today among educated people, the level of adulation shown for certain political individuals is abominable.
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