THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK


"This is the topic that i have observed in last some years.Most Of People don't use their thought power. What's going wrong in their mind or what they have experienced in their past,i don't know about that.But It may affect bad impacts on a good person.So We have to think at least once before speak to someone related to a subject".

Before you speak, THINK…

T - is it True?
H - is it Helpful?
I - is it Inspiring?
N - is it Necessary?
K - is it Kind?

“Life isn't about just talking, it's about thinking too.” 

Your words create a positive or negative reaction in the world around you.Also your speech influences your thinking and can alter the course of your future.Your words are a way of underlining your thoughts.When your words are harsh,negative, inconsiderate or judgmental,then these are the aspects of your experience that are emphasized.
If you speak before you think about what you’re going to say, you do not take the time to consider what words you will use, what these words will mean to another person, or how they will feel about what you’re saying. You are also not thinking about what these words say about you as a person or about all of the good things you may be neglecting to focus on.You have to control your tongue to break the the habit of speaking without thinking.
Ways to Embrace Your Thoughtful Speaking
1. At First,Identify the person's attributes with whom you want to talk.
2. Is that correct thing,you listened about a person.
3. Don't discuss too much on a subject or about a person.
4. Stay away from the bad environment.
5. Control on your tongue.
6. Think at least once before speak.

                                           -----THANK YOU-----

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